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< All Zoom H2n reviews
schafferdavid schafferdavid

«  A great success »

Published on 09/04/12 at 12:32
I needed a digital recorder for a long time, so when I saw this model on ebay auction, I tried my luck, not knowing what I was going to fall. It has now been two months that I use and I am very satisfied. This little machine has it all: compact, lightweight, affordable, ergonomic and ... qualitative: I record ambiences for a sound design for theater and it works very well. I was most afraid of the noise preamps, but I find it mastered, it did not really cause any problems until now ... Several recording modes are available with a special mention for MS stereo recording (available in RAW mode with settings in post-production using a vst plug). I have not tried everything, but for now, I'm very happy with my purchase.