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Fender Tweed Pro Junior
Fender Tweed Pro Junior

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Fender belonging to the Pro Junior series

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« Fender Tweed Pro Junior »

Published on 01/12/04 at 15:00
Haggerty's Music in Rapid City, South Dakota. I paid $235.00 for it in 1997.

At first, I was interested in it because the price,(I had $240 in my pocket) Then I played it and it was just what I was looking for. It wasnt too complicated, and it was LOUD! It wasnt just LOUD, it had great tone, it was small, and the price was just right.

I cant really say I didnt like anything, this was my first amp, and I must have got lucky cause it was perfect. I love it!

This thing is built like a tank. Ive spilled beer on it, carried it all over the place, and it held up perfectly. I was jamming at my friends house, and when we got done(jamming and slammin tequila), I was holding the amp in one hand, my Strat in the other, I went outside and another one of my friends came plowing around in his '65 Pontiac and hit me. I went flying over the hood, and landed on my head, but I still held onto the amp. It SLAMMED the concrete grille side down, tore the shit out of the tweed, and sounded like the end of it. After I got the gravel out of my head and got it stitched up I went to check out my amp, surely it was done. Not one tube even broke, and after I glued the tweed back on the front, it sounded better than ever. I was totally suprised. This little amp is as tough as they come!

I dont think you should tour the world with this little guy, but if you want great tone in a small package for a good price, you WONT do better than this. I dont know if they make the tweed ones anymore, but the black one is just the same. My little brother got one of those Line 6 spiders and brought it over. At first I was like Wow, look at all the cool shit this one does, but it just doesnt have the guts like this Pro Junior. This amp is rugged, balsy, LOUD, and Im sure glad I picked this baby up. I you want some value without sacraficing tone and balls, GET ONE FOOL!!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com