414 videos
New: The Free Sequential Prophet Rev2 Ultimate Pa…
New: The Free Prophet Rev2 Ultimate Patches Pack
New: The Free Prophet Rev2 Ultimate Patches Pack
New: The Free Sequential Prophet Rev2 Ultimate Pa…
Touché x Prophet Rev2 (1/3)
Touché x Prophet Rev2 (2/3)
Touché x Prophet Rev2 (3/3)
Is It Too Late? | Prophet Rev2 Only
How to make your Sequential Rev2 "Binaural"
Prophet Rev 2 Patch Tutorial - "Handnote"
Prophet Rev2 Soundset Vcm ++ Volume 2 Patches
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Sequential Rev2 | Revelations Patch Bank
Prophet Rev2 Desktop Module : La Revanche Des Gau…
Prophet Rev2 Desktop Module : La Revanche Des Gau…
The Lost Prophet: Dave Smith's Forgotten Flagship
Luke Neptune's Soundtrack soundset for Rev2
Moonlight Sonata (Dave Smith Instruments Ob-6)
Prophet Rev2 Review/Demo (no talking) - playing t…

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