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Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S2
Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S2
viig viig

«  surprising »

Published on 02/13/13 at 15:53
Value For Money : Excellent
I use this controller for 7 months

this is the first I try

I love being able to take it everywhere, instaler in 2/2 being mobile enough (I work in season) it really m'convient.

the less impossible to cut trebbles / medium / low mini ... c con but we made it and maybe quality over time? Finally, I do not ca air as beefy enough gear.

its a great value for money there is no better j'pense for a beginner it is easy to use and the sync! dj and confirmed will be bursting with well and is both complete (indeed, cue, samples, 2 decks + 2 decks, etc. ..) and can be used as an adjunct or possibly in troubleshooting at a party It will be a serious case!

I remake that choice without hesitation

I mix half a score of years since, I mixed all the time on vinyl plate (mk2) never paltines cd I bought traktor scratch (timecode) 2 years ago, the product I was more and more mobility (I live half the year in truck), I wanted to test this controller and the ca frankly quite well.
The knob is really faders and cross frankly c solid, we can go, good must not be a nag as normal then what! traktor interface is very well thought intuitive, it is a pleasure to mix a beginner or already confirmed will find happiness. the size of the controller is small enough it is quite confusing at first but got used to it very quickly, and chock tracks with jogs is simple enough for the purists! I even mixed in ptites 3 nights this summer on walls ptits speakers, the sound was really good, I eatais surprised and no bug, the browser selection is great for practice, and ther are a lot of thing more ...
to buy with your eyes closed! (In this price range, not tested after the other but more expensive)