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Thread Hello from Venezuela

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Hello from Venezuela
Hey everybody I have been playing guitar for 6 years now, i usually play spanish songs such as Mana, El Canto Del Loco, Soda Esterio, i like to play American songs aswell. I Recently graduated from college here in venezuela (UCV) not the greatest but atleast its something. A few months ago I Had an idea to make a new style of website for guitarists , so i came up with an idea of Members being able to put videos of themselves playing the guitar and put the tablature to the song beneath the video. So that other members learn from the videos and the tablature. I came up with the name Tababunga.com ( like cowabunga) but with tab ... anyways the reason i made this website was to get out of venezuela , because i have no other choice , i either hit a good idea and get lucky or stay here for the rest of my life , making 600 dollars monthly. I also like playing old music like eric clapton, guns n roses , pink floyd . Stuff like that. Anyways SALUDOS DE VENEZUEEEEEELA
Come one ,boy ...
Go on with the idea of a website, it's nice;
but please don't be a coward, there's no war in Venezuela.
If you don't like or don't feel comfortable with your country,
then, work out to change it !
You can also use your guitar.
Remember Bob Dylan ? Springsteen ? the sex pistols ? rage against the machine
and so many others ?
Anyway, it seems that money is more important to you than music...