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Thread Home studio with $3000 budget

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Sujet de la discussion Home studio with $3000 budget
I'm looking to set-up a decent studio in my home. There's a few restrictions though. First off would be space. The area I have to create the studio is small. I'd say about 10' x 11' and the ceiling slants down so there's not too much head room. Also, the cost of sound proofing materials have to be included in the $3000. Any recomendations on what type of set-up I should use? Good equipment? I already have some guitars a bass and a drum set with a mid to low end guitar amp.
What are your goals? Read the sticky.......
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
Goals??? Hmmm.....good question. I want to be able to record something with enough quality that it's understandable and sounds decent. Actually, I'm trying to make someone an album as an apology. (Yeah, I messed up so bad that i'm willing to put 3 grand into a project plus all my time to make up for it.) I play guitar, drums, bass and I do vocals so I'd like something that can be done with just one person. I'm a total beginner with recording so I need something easy. Also, I'd like to be able to add in a lot of cool effects and make a lot of my music which is written on an acoustic (guitar) and turn it into something different. Even more, I'm hoping to have a set-up good enough so that I could make a few bucks having my friends record at my studio. Overall, it's for fun but I'm looking to make a few dollars off of it too.
The biggest bottle neck is always the osundcard. If you just want to do a project studio, than you only need a two input card (like the Maudio Audiophile 2496). If you want to record a band (or live drums, anything with more than two inputs), then you need a soundcard that can handle all of the inputs, like the Delta 1010.

It sounds, though, that you want to start out much like I did. In that case, here's how I'd spend my 3K:

First, a computer- I bought my last studio computer form these guys for about $1100 (no monitor):


Then I'd get the MAudio 2496 for a sound card, and a Behringer mixer as a front end for the sound card (something like the UB1204) $220 total.

Then I'd get some decent monitors (like a pair of Event TR 8's for $499)

Try Cakewalk SONAR Home Studio 4 XL for the software..... $159

Some drum loops for drums (easier and cheaper tha setting up to record them). I like Beta Monkey loops- cheap and pretty good. $59 for three sets last time I bought them.

A SM 58 mic, and a studio projects B1 mic (another $250)

cables- $100.

You'l have some other expenses along the way, but you'll have about $800 bucks left to deal with them.

Whoever she is, I hope she's realizes how lucky she is!!!! :)
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD