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Thread US-122 / Sonar 5 latency problems

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Topic US-122 / Sonar 5 latency problems
Hi all,
computer is
Athlon xp 2100
1gb ram
XP SP2-all updates applied

I'm having latency problems using the US-122 and Sonar 5.
I tried adjusting buffer size, tried to adjust the driver configs WDM, ASIO,
I tried disabling all services that we're not necessary (Cakewalk Help files)... disabled the onboard audio card, no antivirus or adware monitors ...nothing will work.

I record a first track fine, then arm the second track put on the headphones to listen to the first track as a reference and its like an echo chamber, there is a full second delay that is totally throwing me off. I tried to disable input monitoring, but that will disable hearing back the track.
any help appreciated...
Could it be that the USB port on my Mobo is not fast enough and how do I check if its a USB 1 or a 2?
Figured out what I was doing wrong...
Basically I was letting windows xp setup its own drivers...(ie. windows update)
put the Tascam cd back in and re-installed drivers and it works like a charm...Awesome.