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Thread Audiophile 192

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Topic Audiophile 192
I've just bought the audiphile 192 and trying to get comfortable with it.

I seem to have a problem, the master volume can not be adjusted. We use the card to record music from a mixer. However, the mixer is running in the red and we need to boost the master volume in the delta control panel for a clean record. Is this possible?

The whole master volume control is blocked and can not be moved. All mixer inputs show actual read levels and can be adjusted but the master is not accessible.

Thanks in Advance!


The Master Volume is for the Monitor Mixer and will only be active if you assign the 1/2 output to the Monitor Mix on the Patch page. At that point you should be able to adjust the Master fader, but that is only goiong to adjust the output, and in the single output configuration of the 192, it is really a moot point.

Tell us how you are routing your signal through you mixer, where the gains are set, and how you've got everything cabled up. It sounds to me like you have a gain staging problem somewhere.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
We have a pioneer DJM 600. We had the mixer running to the 192 through RCA to 1/4" jacks. The mixer levels were set to run at 0db at the maximum. However the level through the card was only recieved at -12db. Is there a reason for this and a way around this?

We next tried running both the CD player and the turntable directly to the sound card. This works fine for the CD player through the digital input. We have a preamp from the turntable to the 192 through rca to 1/4" jacks. This runs at a better level. The problem is, if the levels are too high it clips and sound is lost. We now need to be able to reduce the signal.

The sound quality is fantastic but i really just don't understand why the signal from the mixer is not powerful enough. Any ideas?

Thanks, Steve.