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Thread need some help getting started

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1 need some help getting started
I just ordered a digital piano, which I'm primarily buying so that I can start playing again since graduating college. I've also decided that I'd like to try my hand at some computer-based music, but I don't really know what I need. I like to write music, mostly on the piano and guitar, but I think I'd like to expand that to orchestral/film score style music with many different instruments, not necessarily all 'natural' (a la Hans Zimmer, with his use of electronic sounds). I've been told about Reason, and it looks like a pretty good option, but it appears that I won't be able to have any notation of the music once it's written, which I think I would want. I also used Finale as part of a college class a couple years ago, and I kinda liked it, but I'm not sure it will give me the flexibility I'm looking for. I also would be interested in recording my own piano/guitar playing, and from the looks of it, I'll need a separate program for that. I have a nearly top-of-the-line computer that I built myself about 2 years ago, and I have no problem upgrading any component if need be. I'm sure I'll need some sort of extra hardware, but I haven't yet figured out what exactly. Any suggestions about what hardware/software I'll need will be greatly appreciated. Even just a starting point would be nice, as I am plenty willing to do some of my own research after being pointed in the right direction. If I could find one program to do everything I want (creating virtual instruments, mixing tracks, musical notation capability, and live recording), I would be extremely happy, but I haven't seen anything like that. Getting a group of programs to work together to achieve the same effect is probably my best hope, but I have no idea how to interface separate programs in that manner as I have very little experience. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
try this for answers
