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Thread Please help me solve this problem.

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Topic Please help me solve this problem.
Today, I bought CM-87s microphone and I intended to use it with my computer (X-Fi Elite Pro Sound card) This sound card has an extra hub to insert additional cables (normal audio/microphone cable, the hub for the long metalic tube one... sorry I don't know how to call it, I'm a foreigner) see the picture here: http://www.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=1&subcategory=208&product=14064

So I bought that kind of cable and plugged it from CM87s power supply's output to my soundcard. The problem is when I recorded any sound, there is always this noise:
I tried to turn the microphone volume down but it makes the recorded voice very hard to hear.

I tried other microphone including shure's and sony's (those are normal microphones, not studio microphones) and there's no such noise.

Is it because I used normal microphone cable instead of XLR's ? As my soundcard does not have a slot for XLR cable, do I need to get a mixer or something that has XLR's slot to get rid of the noise?

Please help.. thanks a lot.
I'm not familiar with your stuff, but I'd bet that a mixer would help a lot. Behringer makes some goo inexpensive ones.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD