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Thread newbie help with audio recording levels

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Sujet de la discussion newbie help with audio recording levels
I am able to record midi but when it comes to recording vocals and guitar tracks, the levels are so low I can hardly hear them. If I 'eat the mic' I can just about get some volume on the vocal track but guitar tracks are barely audible.
Not sure if this is an issue with pre-amps, sound cards, my home studio set up or me just being stupid?! Any help will be gratefully received.

I am a newbie setting up home recording for fun rather than professional.
I have a Dell Dimension 5000 PC that runs on Windows XP home edition with SoundMax Digital Audio card.
I have a tascam US-122 Audio/Midi Interface USB box and I am using Cakewalk Home Studio 8.03
I have a Behringer super cardioid mic XM2000 and a Washburn Cumberland electro acoustic guitar

For vocal recording I connect the Mic to the Mic In XLR and select the Source as US-122 A:B and the Port as SoundMax Digital Audio
For guitar recording I connect the guitar to the Line/Guitar In jack and select the Source as US-122 A:B and the Port as SoundMax Digital Audio

Hope you can help me out
Hi Steve-

What are the meters in Cake telling you when you record? Is it the record levels that are truly low, or is it the playback though your soundcard? What kind of levels do you see on the recorded audio waveforms?
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
In the console view, for vocal recording I see low levels which can just about reach 0db if I 'eat the mic' and sing loud. For guitar recording I barely register on the meters at all. in the track view I can see some movement in the wave line for vocal but the guitar waveline is flat.
Happy to supply any more info you may need to help diagnose the problem.
I looked at the 122 manual online.....

Make sure the mic/line switch is in the appropriate position for whatever you're recording, and make sure that the input level knob is up. There was also a blurb in there about possible problems using the mic and or line/guitar jacks on the same side at the same side, so I'd make sure you're not doing that.

Other than that, no ideas.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD