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Thread Edirol Roland UM2 and Music XPC C1 compatability questions..

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Topic Edirol Roland UM2 and Music XPC C1 compatability questions..
Hi! I am starting to assemble a studio setup, and I bought a M-Box and I have a Music XPC C1 . I want to use mostly midi right now, and I was going to use the Edirol UM2 . However I was told that there may be complications from a compatability issue with my pci to usb chips... does anyone know what this is or am I safe in my choices?

Thanks in advance..

Iccus :shock:
Not familiar with the gear, but try it!! Just keep the packaging nice and save your receipts....... :D
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
Thanks ! Guess thats always a good rule of thumb... especially the level where I am now.. :lol: