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Thread Marching Percussion Battery Notation Software

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Sujet de la discussion Marching Percussion Battery Notation Software
I am looking for a notation package that is created solely for marching percussion. I have tried Finale and Sibelius and they are all fine programs for musical notation, but as far as percussion goes, they suck. I want something that can do rolls, flams, rudiments, and everything percussive.
Ha dude do I know exactly what you are looking for. :) Stay with Finale and or Sibelius. The plugin you need is called Virtual Drumline from tapspace.com. It sounds frickin awesome for marching percussion, and is sampled from the Santa Clara Vanguard Battery. (Don't know if you are familiar with DCI or not)
Its the best thing out ther right now for it. Go to the site and listen to some of the samples, I promise it'll blow your mind, and its what you are looking for if you want flams, chesses, fives, grandma mas, whatever! :)

Happy hunting!