TopicPosted on 09/21/2004 at 18:24:07Redrum and Protools LE goes.......
Im a real newbie just getting a hold on my software and hardware. Im using Mbox and Protools LE , running windows XP on a Music XPC C1. Ive gotten the basic gist of setting up my sessions and recording my tracks to protools, I have a basic understanding of Rewire. The problem I keep encountering is this- I start a session in protools using Redrum in addition to other tracks, ( guitar, synths ) and when I save both the Reason file and the protools session, if I reopen the session, it tells me that the Reason plug in is missing, ( I get the Inactive plugin window in protools.) This has happened in the last 3 sessions that I attempted to record and save. What am I doing wrong? :rolleyes: :x
AFfable Poster
Member 20 years ago
2Posted on 09/23/2004 at 08:26:32
I don't use Redrum, but I was getting the same problem with my LE setup when using Amplitube and TraCKS EQ. What version of LE are you using? I had 6.1 and downloaded the updated 6.4 and haven't had a problem since.
Thanks for the reply Justin. Im using ProTools LE 6.4. Now since my post I got it to reappear by reinstalling Reason, but it just seems like a true pain in the posterior to keep going thru this. Im being really careful how I save and shut down and hopefully it will clear up. If anyone else is having similar problems, Id love to hear from ya.