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-------> PLEASE READ FIRST!! <-------

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Topic -------> PLEASE READ FIRST!! <-------
Before you post on the forum, please read this whole page.
These are not just rules, but tips which make the forums run better for everyone.

In order to post here, you must follow these tips and rules. If you break any of the rules below in your post, it will be deleted.


- Give the post a meaningful title, so that readers do not waste their time reading posts about things that they have no interest in.

- Please post complete questions and all useful info related. Posts like "i want to make music, help me!" will be ignored.

- Make sure your post is related to the specific forum you are posting to. DO NOT double post the same topic.

- Do not post a question or information that has been posted previously. In order to make sure you are not repeating a question or information be sure to read all of the thread you wish to post to before posting.

- Please do not start a new thread on a topic already being discussed. [h]Use the search function[/h] and read the forum prior to posting.

- Please do not POST IN CAPS or all in bold. Any topic title in ALL CAPS or in BOLD will be edited (or deleted).

- Please don't expect people to reply to your posts via email. Email only helps you - others probably have the same question and would like to know the answer.

- Absolutely no Flaming or Trolling. Please follow proper Forum Netiquette at all times.

- Any and all spam will be rejected. No advertisements of any kind.

- If you believe that a member is breaking these rules, point them to the moderators by clicking on "[h]report[/h]" at the bottom of the thread.


That's it people.

Happy posting!
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD