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Thread MIDI patch of played sound on a keyboard

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Sujet de la discussion MIDI patch of played sound on a keyboard
I have a Roland PC-200 MK II MIDI keyboard controller connected to the Creative SB Live! soundcard. Using a sequencer (good and old Turtle Beach Tapedek3) the played (not redorded yet) sound is as a piano. I wish to change it to another patch (like organ or violin) sound to play (not record).
The recorded sound can be changed in the sequencer to any other patch, but I wish the played sound on the keyboard would sound as another than piano.

Dell Dimension 8200 PC 1.7 GHz 256 MB mem, Windows XP Home
Creative SB Live! card.
(1) 80 GB harddisk for system and programs, (1) 160 GB HD for video and sound files
Due to the apparent lack of responses I wonder that this is not the appropriate forum for this topic.
So I request from the Moderator to suggest another more relevant forum. (Or is the subject title wrong?)