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Thread trying to get started!!! help!!!

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Topic trying to get started!!! help!!!
hi i'am new to this and trying to get started i'am trying to start a home studio to record rap. i,ve delt with PC , and have used cool edit pro . but now its time to get serious. i'd like to stick with PC. if anyone willing to help would be app. if possble a list of anything i mite need and what software and hardware i would need and recomeded PC. thank you victorious[/b]
you need to plug a mic into your computer http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=products.focus&ID=41cf7347b20eff77b69588578a74aa58

check that out

and check out the shure sm57 mic, good for vocals and its cheap
thank for the help i,m going to look in to those items .........