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Thread First set up for home recording

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Topic First set up for home recording
Sorry, I didn't read the post that said "read this first". Silly me. Ok, now, you want to know a, b, c, d, and e. Here we go.
A. What kind of music? Well, the types of music i play myself are somewhat eclectic, and i would like to record other people's music as well (after i've gotten the hang of this). So I will need a setup that will allow for various types of music.
B. How many tracks at a time? With the space that is available to me at this time, I doubt recording more than one instrument and maybe a vocal at a time would be feasible (except for instruments that can be plugged directly into the mixer and won't bleed into the mics of other instruments or vocals), but I would like to expand later on down the road. Multitracking is definitely a must, but just how many tracks, I don't know. As i said, I will need a setup that can grow with me.
C. What do I intend to do with the recordings? To begin with, it will only be for educational purposes, and of course to put down my own music, but as I said, I would like to eventually record other's music and if at all possible, turn a profit doing it. Call me a dreamer, but I would love to be able to make a living doing something I love and am actually interested in.
D. What type of instruments? Vocals and acoustic instruments (guitar, piano, violin, other strings, maybe a drum set from time to time) at first. I don't know much about MIDI, but would love to learn. Again, I need a system that will grow with me.
And finally E. I stated in my other post that I don't really care much for computers, I'm more of a hands on kind of guy, but I would be willing to learn more about the cyber side of things if need be. As for my computer, it's ancient. It didn't have a cd drive until I installed one myself, if that tells you something about its capabilities. If a computer upgrade would be necessary (and I'm almost certain it would), I'd be willing, but if I can do this without using the thing, then I'd be much happier.
Now, with all of this said, I'm on a budget. Talk about having your cake and eating it too, huh. A beginning setup (that can grow with me, just in case i hadn't mentioned that) for under five thousand dollars. WAY under five thousand would be great, especially since I don't know exactly what I want yet, but I realize equipment can be expensive, especially when you're as picky as me. I've heard lots of opinions on equipment, but they all seem like they may be a little biased, and I'd like a fresh out-side perspective before I go spending my hard earned money. So, do you think you can give me a shove in the right direction? 'Preciate the help. Thanks.

Hello Papasauls,

If you are not familiar to home studio recording, I suggest you take a correct but evolutive set up. I think it's not a good approach to buy a complete and expensive set up if you don't know exactly what you need.

Buy a pair of good cardiod mics, this is the priority (take a look at the mics section on the forum). Then buy a correct sound card with preamp. It does't mind if you only have 2 input to begin, you will be able to extend the capacities in the future. And buy a correct computer (many advices are in the computer section in the forum). With a simple multitrack software, you will be able to begin working seriously.

And I promise 5 000$ are really too much for a first step in home recording ;-) You can find a very good solution for 2 000$!

Take some time to read messages in the forum, you will find here many really interesting and objective advices.
ok man, if this is your FIRST recording setup, i think you should check out a 4track tape recorder (tascam makes them cheap now)...and get a couple shure sm57 dynamic mics...this is the best setup to learn what in the hell youre doing, dont get a $500 mic unless you have had some practice getting good sounds out of $70 mics first...

if youre not into tape based recording of the tascam or fostex recorders, check out some of the digital 4, 6, 16 tracks out there, korg makes a good 8track, also check out the tascam 788

ps i dont work for tascam...their stuff has just really satisfied me in the past years i have been recording

cool! thanks for the advice. so i need to go simple first. ok. i guess i was a little overwhelmed with the possibilities out there. i don't think i want to go the tape route, so a computer or one of the digital recording stations like the ones that yamaha and roland (and a lot of other companies!) make. as i said before, i'm not very computer friendly regardless of how user friendly the computer is. so one of the digital workstations might be better for me. but, if coputer based recording is the way to go, i am willing to learn. any suggestions? i heard the roland machines are very nice and easy to learn all of the ins and outs so to speak. can i do everything through one of these machines that i could do on a computer? what kind of advantages and disadvantages am i looking at with either set up? thanks again. you guys are great. 'preciate all the help.
