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Thread using prodikeys to input music..

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Topic using prodikeys to input music..
.. on softwares like noteworthy or coda finale..
any idea how? :(
is there anything i need to do or get?
the keys are detected on the prodikeys software but not on the notation softwares...

any sort of information is fine, i'm totally new to all this..

I'm not familiar with your software, but in general if one program is seeing the input and the other is not, then I would look for where the midi input is configured within the program that is not working. You may have to tell the program which midi port your using or which midi channel you're transmitting on, or something like that.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
got it working~
wow i never knew what you were even talking about until i did some research! kinda cool looking thing http://www.prodikeys.com/

i suppose you can use it as a midi controller for any software synth

i suppose you can use it as a midi controller for any software synth

i don't even know what that means lol... i guess i'm more new to these things than i thought...

btw.. i'm downloading your songs! they sound interesting.. but why sharks eating turtles? turtles are cute :(
:lol: ok um what i mean is, you can use your keyboard to play different piano software, that you can purchase for your computer...wait i dont know what i mean hahah

hey thanks for listening! mainly soundtrack type sounds, that im trying to make for some independant films, creepy stuff, its so fun though :D

sharks eating turtles? well i dont know a bunch of friends and i were talking about i dont know what, and it just came up, and someone said "would make a weird band name" and it just stuck ever since...im not against turtles really...its had a deeper meaning...hahah

enjoy your keyboard