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Thread Synclavier questions (also Linux- free music software?)

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Topic Synclavier questions (also Linux- free music software?)
Hello all. I'm a newbie in the usa. I'm 33 - grew up tinkering with anything electronic around the house. Spliced video and audio cassettes as a kid. Bought a guitar and Fostex x-26 as a teen. Loved all music from Prince to Metallica, classical to Depeche Mode. I even took a course on Basic studio recording at a local studio. Then life happened and sent me on a detour (long story). Because of computers, I can create again.

I have just ordered a book called musicians and computers by David Mash to give me a new starting point. I build my own PCs to be "proprietary-free" (P4, 40GB HDD, windows 98/2000). I've got a knoppix linux OS cd I wanna explore more- I read that there is free music making software for this for free! Can anyone direct me there?

My other question involves the Synclavier. I know that when I read about this device over 15 years ago, it cost around $10,000. Now that computers have taken over, is there software that can function like the Synclavier? Is there a newer, smaller, more affordable Synclavier available?

If it helps with your advice, my favorite music includes Queens of the Stone Age, Bjork, Nine Inch Nails, Aphex Twin, and various industrial/ambient/experimental music. Thank you in advance for any advice that you can give me. I really do appreciate it.


aka tune

Quote: I build my own PCs to be "proprietary-free" (P4, 40GB HDD, windows 98/2000). I've got a knoppix linux OS cd I wanna explore more- I read that there is free music making software for this for free! Can anyone direct me there?

If you do not need to run your PC as a Router i recommend to check out Mandrake Linux:


just click an "i will sign up later" and you will be directed to a list of FTP-Mirrors, where you can dnld Installation CDs as ISOs

MDK has got a first-class easy-to-use Packagemanager, that allows to install thousends of Progs directly from the Internet and the most important for Musicians are here:


absolutely recommended are:
the Multimediakernel plus recent Alsapacks (professional audiodriversystem)
the Jack-Audioserver
ARDOUR (HD-RecordingSuite for pros, is currently in Betastadium will be ready for Everyday-use in the next 2 months)
Jamin (great Audiomastering)
AMS (can build chains of s.c. LADSPA-Effects to manipulate AUDIOstreams)
Audacity (Easy-to-use Audioediting and simple Recording)

I`ve got the Stuff here on my box working and see it grow with enormous pace, LinuxAudio rules ;-)

Drop me a line, if you need some more Help.