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Thread Need some help to compose beats!

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Topic Need some help to compose beats!
First off id like to say thanks to the web site... it appears to be exactly what im looking for...

Any wayz, Ive been doing Battle Raps for about 4 years now... Just free style and on sage when ever.... just messing around kinda thing... everyones been complementing me on my skillz so i wanna take it to the next leve..

im looking for some kind of simple beat composing software... nothing fancy really... Im hoping someone can help me via share ware or something... Like most Musicians im broke! so FREE is a word i like!
I just moved out to cali and im using a really old and slow computer...
its decent enough though.. I have another one getting shipped thats will run any program so im not too worried about compatibility... but if anyone can help that would be Awsome!
wazzap, I can't be of too much help in this respect cuz there is only one free software drum thing i know and its called Hammerhead. ill try to find a url or something and repost. Good luck!