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Thread Newbie needs help getting Native Intruments B4 working

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Topic Newbie needs help getting Native Intruments B4 working

I have a huge amount of questions getting my intended DAW up and running. (Computer vs Standalone recording deck etc), but until then, I just got a copy of Native Instruments B4 to plug into to Cubase (Where I have Have a copy of Groove Agent running).

How do I get my Ensoniq ZR 76 or my Korg X5d to be a controller for the Cubase Organ and other synths I might get on the computer?...do need to get a another Keyboard with a USB port?

Also another question...does anyone know of a plugin that emulates a Mellotron really well?

for the ensoniq and korg you'll need a midi interface like M-audio midisport 2x2 or4x4.The interface is connected via usb into the pc.
In this example you have 2 midi ins which is for your keyboards, and 2 or 4 midi outs. Each midi input supports 16 channels, maybe you knew that allready.
Either one can control whatever you do in cubase and what's left is 2 or 4 extra midi outs to run external devices.
Some vst's like the b4 can be installed as vst or stand alone.To avoid probs, if to use in cubase, install as vst.
chris at www.tsunamimusic.be
each midi output supports 16 midi channels
thanks for the responses

Which would be better to get, a MIDI to usb Interface to have the Keys control the VST Instruments or a better soundcard with MIDI capabilities (like an M-Audio 2496)?

Currently my comuter has a afrly new 'All in One' motherboard with the sound card built in. I intend on recording 'real' intruments as well, Guitar Pod, Bass Pod, other Piano's, Vocals etc....will my existing sound card be able to 'keep up'?

The MIDI Jacks are about 95$ CAN and the Soundcard is 186$....
