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Program that can play a beat while it records vocals?

  • 11 replies
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Topic Program that can play a beat while it records vocals?
Hello my name is andrew and i have just started a studio, i do mostly hip-hop music and i wud like to know if there is a program i can get that allows me to play one of my beats while i record vocals on a seperate track.
sonar 8)
How much would that set me back? And which version should i get?
And can i import my MP3 beat into it?
adobe audition wont let you create beats...but you can import files and use them in a mix
I have cubase, and I'm using the optical inputs, and when I'm playing a track out to say headphones, why does it also record on the track that I'm recording to...

Quote: i do mostly hip-hop music...

wow hip hop ...sweet
Where can i get cubase? And how much is Adobe audition?
actually i have not come across a multitracking software that doesnt let you do this. since you play hip hop i would suggest a loop based software like acid 4.0. it can do what you want and so much more. because of it design it is so easy to get down to the nitty gritty of loops, tracks, or whatever and really start experimenting.
when i do hip hop or any kind of electronic music all i use is acid.
the software i mean ;)