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Thread expert advice..

  • 2 replies
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1 expert advice..
I recently bought the Shure 6 Mic Drum kit..

i have the two pg81's overhead. the 54s on the toms. and the kick mic on the kick naturally..

i have an sm57 on the snare..

now here are my questions:

1. Do I need to have a separate mic for the hi-hats? it picks up decently right now without one.. but im not sure..

2. On the 54's, i have 0 gain. and the high eq is turned all the way down.. but its so loud compared to the rest of the setup.. what should i do?

3. how do i set my eq? i just dont know how much of each i need to turn down or up..

4. when i record guitar, and then record drums to the guitar.. it just doesnt sound right. it sounds so cheap.. not together.. i duno it could just be me..

any advice on anything.. even if i didnt mention something would be greatly appreciated..

OOH and one more thing.. im sucha newb.. but i want to be able to hear my voice live through my mic.. how do i do this? i plug my mic into my mixer.. then i plug my mixer into monitors/speakers?
it all matters on what type of music you are recording..

you will get different types of sounds out different types of styles of music...

so whats you type?
1. Do I need to have a separate mic for the hi-hats? it picks up decently right now without one.. but im not sure..

depends on what kind of sound you want 1st off, if you like the sound leave it...dont fix a good thing if you like it...

2. On the 54's, i have 0 gain. and the high eq is turned all the way down.. but its so loud compared to the rest of the setup.. what should i do?

pull the 54's back in very small increments until the level backs off a little? i think that may work

3. how do i set my eq? i just dont know how much of each i need to turn down or up..

what kinda of sound do you want?

4. when i record guitar, and then record drums to the guitar.. it just doesnt sound right. it sounds so cheap.. not together.. i duno it could just be me..

are you recording the drums to mono or stereo? make sure its stereo and you have each mic input panned correctly, give it some stereo spread...

plus what do you record to?

OOH and one more thing.. im sucha newb.. but i want to be able to hear my voice live through my mic.. how do i do this? i plug my mic into my mixer.. then i plug my mixer into monitors/speakers? yeeup!!! :D