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Thread Free Synth Programs

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Topic Free Synth Programs
Hey everyone,
I am pretty much a total newbie in the world of synth generation.
I am an experienced musician who is interested in creating music in my computer. I am mainly thinking of Industrial and Neoclassical styles.
Money however is a real problem.
I am wondering what free drum machine and synth programs are out there,
I know of a couple. But I am after ones that are worth using.
Hopefully someone can help me get up and on my way in this area.
Hi Dragon There are plenty of free sequencers out there there's a huge list here http://www.hitsquad.com/ however I've found most of them need a good sound card to play midi decently. I have a 4 year old celeron with onboard sound. I found Melody Assistant, it has its own software synth and works real well on my pc.