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Thread Standalone Digital recorder VS Computer recording??

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Topic Standalone Digital recorder VS Computer recording??
In an attempt to set up a half decent Digital Audio workstation I’m getting bogged down trying to get my controllers to control VST devices without latency and getting Sonar, Cubase and Reason figured out. I realized that perhaps I should go the simpler route of getting a standalone recording device.

I have a Behringer 2222, going in to it I have two keyboards, a couple of Pods for guitar and bass, the computer for Groove Agent Drums and a tube preamp, Mic and effects for vocals. All in Stereo

Can anyone suggest a stand alone digital recording device that can record all these in Stereo (assuming I wont need a unit with a mixer serring I have the Behringer)…

I wouldn’t mind spending less than 1000$

I guess I’d need about 16 Tracks…a couple of used ADAT’s?, is there anything similar out there that I can lokk for on Ebay?
I can tell you from experience that if you have ADAT's in mind, definitely go the extra mile to get 24-bit decks. Bounce a track once on a 16-bit deck and it's easy to hear the artifacts.
Personally, I'd stick with what you're doing. Get it worked out. Any standalone solution you come up with will sacrifice the flexibility and editing capabilities of a computer based recording solution. You'll be glad you did in the long run.

Also- I wouldn't record everything in stereo. You mix will wind up sounding like mush if you do. The only thing I record in stereo is drums from my sound module. Everything else is recorded as mono tracks from which I create a stereo final mix using judicious placement of pan, reverb, and delay to create a stereo soundstage.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD