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Thread playback problems

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Topic playback problems
I've just installed Cakewalk Home Studio and am having playback problems. When I press "play" to hear audio tracks, there is no response. It's not as if the track is playing and I can't hear the audio, the track just doesn't play. The demo tracks included with the program seem to playback fine.

Please help!
So the problem is just with stuff that you've recorded? I'd probably start by opening up an audio clip that you've recorded (double click on one of the audio clips you reocrded in teh tracks pane) and look to see if it has any actual content.

If it does, I'd look at the properties for the track and see what the output port is (wave 1 probably is what it should be). If it doesn't, I'd open the properties and check the track source (should be the input from your soundcard).
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD