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Thread Newbie SB Live Probs

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Topic Newbie SB Live Probs
I am basically trying to record from a dj mixer and/or an amp to my pc via the sb live sound in port

however when i do this it appears to cut the sound from one of the channels

it basically cuts the high sound from the right channel only but the low sound is there and also the left channel is fine

this prob did not used to be there before windows xp was installed tho

I have the latest drivers from the creative website but the problem is still there my PC is as follows (its old)

Athlon 800
Asus VIA KT133 motherboard
SB LIVE (original version (not Value))
Lite ON DVD drive
Geforce 4 MX 440
Network Card

Any ideas???

i did not know where to post this so a copy is in the soundcard forum
Sounds like a bad cable to me. :shock:
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD