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Thread Very basic setup recommendations please

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Topic Very basic setup recommendations please
I only play guitar and would like to use my computer to play drums and bass while I record guitar to the computer.

Is this even possible or will all software only play or record, not both at once?

I currently have a Fortissimo II sound card and was planning on using something like cakewalk to play midi drums or drum samples. Will this allow me to record guitar at the same time?

Also my guitar can be used to generate MIDI. If I use this with a normal sound card will I be able to hear it in real time or just record midi and play it back later?
You need a cool edit pro or protools or cubase for multitrack play and record at once. I suggest you cool edit pro 2.0 for begining.

If you want to do with midi or sampled sounds try cubase 2.1 sx.
I have a similar setup. I don't know about your soundcard, but for software I use Jammer Pro for drums and bass sequencing, then I port the drum and bass midi files from Jammer into Cakewalk and record my guitar and vocals on top of that.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD