I'm very new to this game so was looking for a bit of advice. I've got an IMac G5 with memory and hard-drive upgrades so I'm all set. I've got myself a copy of Cubase and am looking to get hold of a midi controller that won;t break the bank.
My question is, to get me started and also to give me enough tools and toys to keep me going for a while, is it best I spend a bit more on a midi or should I get something cheaper like the M-Audio Oxygen8 and throw some cash at more instrument software or a better soundcard? I'm guessing that the soundcard in my G5 is pretty hot already, but just wanted to get some opinions.
AFfinity Poster
Member 20 years ago
2Posted on 12/09/2004 at 13:27:18
I don't know what sound card have G5, but I think it is not designed for recording. I suggest you some m-adudio card, If you'll do only with virtual instruments you don't need very good card.
I think m-audio oxigen8 is preaty good. I've got small evolution midi controler and it vorks realy good.