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Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12

Thread Comments about the review: The Magnificent!

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Comments about the review: The Magnificent!
The Magnificent!
During the NAMM 2013, the Prophet 12 swept all other synths. It took DSI more than six months to finish it. Let's see if it was worth the wait or not so...

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Decent review of the specs and depth of this machine but it's clear you have not spent enough time with the Prophet 12. Warm, deep and very analog pads can most certainly be created with this machine. As well as nice fat bass resonating with Moog style grinding warmth. It just takes some work to get there. This is a programmers synth and the sky is the limit if you are willing to work for it. And the journey is a pleasure, in which you'll discover all sorts if of sonic territory, on the way to your goal.

It's clear you don't know how much time I usually spend with any synth I'm reviewing. The fact it takes a lot of time making warm analog pads and nice fat resonating bass with the P12 clearly means it is not aimed at this kind of sounds. These are sounds I easily get everyday with my analog synths or the Solaris. P12 sounds cold to my ears, which does not mean bad at all. What I really don't like in the sond is the digital artefacts you get when you start to intermodulate oscillators at audio level or use insert FXs.