Line 6 FBV Shortboard - Equipe B's review
translatedI use it for one month, it is vraimnet nice. This pedal is strong (for its weight against it weighs) the switches are solid and good spacing from each other. Editing sounds is easy (although a bi…
Line 6 FBV Express - killer 7's review
translatedI use the FBV express for 4 months bought by OCCAZ kuja666 audio fanzine that I welcome the passage I cot a total of 400 against 500 for a POD XT live. You will say "yes but on the POD XT Live pdal…
Line 6 FBV Shortboard - jukap's review
translatedUsed for 2 months on a BassPodXT. (+): - Construction, matrial, solid weight, rigidity gums, switches ... : A not move or during the game, nor in time. - It adds more functionality to Pod INT…
Line 6 FBV Express - Mediator-fr's review
translatedIt is nice that it finally pdalier pedals, but it lacks something essential is the buttons change BANKS Up and Down. It dbile manufacture amps (I have a Spider III 75) with lots and lots of presets…
Line 6 FBV Shortboard - Dadel's review
translatedWell, here APRS jou have almost a year on the Line6 Spider II (212 and 210) I finally made the purchase of pdaleir FBV Shortboard. And indeed, nothing to do with the FBV2 provided SERIES ... It is …
Line 6 FBV Shortboard - linn134's review
translatedUsed on a long FlextoneIII Plus, the Shortboard is an excellent pdalier. And as it is solid (that say all collgues below) it is also stiff trs: hard switches, wah / volume that makes Resistors ... …
Line 6 FBV Express - Anonyme's review
translatedIt's a scam pure and simple as the majority of Line6 products. There is certainly not that it fails because repair + port = new pedal! more not worth trying to replace at short notice in case of fail…
Line 6 FBV Shortboard - Anonyme's review
translatedFinally, a real pedal to run my Flextone III XL following the Crasch my FBV Express (the scam). The Shortboard is a great pedal for the price prohibitive except year failure .....
Line 6 FBV Express - danjacobs's review
translatedI have only been two days, but it is fast, easy to use. Unlike some, I did not think we need to support with all his strength to activate the wah, even if it is true that this can not be seated. I …
Line 6 FBV Express - serial_shredder's review
translatedCompact, not too CHRE, solid, essential with Line6 amps. I do not understand too much notice ngatifs for barely a hundred dollars was all it takes is feet. Indeed, one can not use the 400 presets fro…
Line 6 FBV Shortboard Mk2 - Delmaphisab's review
translatedI just bought this pdalier j'tais frustrated because of having to go near my Spidervalve on scne rptition and to change or modify a sound rglage. I also use the FBV MKII to control my PODxt in my h…
Line 6 FBV Express - " Fulfilled its function"
translatedPedal for Line 6 Spider (Spider jam in this case) that can either activate the read / write the looper (essential) or to activate pre-sets of sounds. Rugged, reliable, easy to configure. Quite heavy,…
Line 6 FBV2 - " He does what is asked"
translatedI use it every day since 2008 he has never lach eextrmement it is simple (only two buttons), the report price and good quality especially given its robustness. I think if I had the means I would ha…
Line 6 FBV Express - "Actually a pretty decent controller!"
I have a friend who has a Spider III (Icky, I know.), and I decided that I would get him this for his birthday. Guitarcenter had one used for $50, so I went ahead and bought it for him. Now, over a y…
Line 6 FBV - haborym's review
translatedThe + killer on this pedal is that you can activate at any time whawha! I tried a lot of other models (including digitech) and I think line6 is a step up, less than breath, more punch (a feast for…