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Behringer Feedback Destroyer Pro DSP1124P
Behringer Feedback Destroyer Pro DSP1124P
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bobkorn bobkorn

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Published on 02/02/13 at 02:37
1U model Rackcable

Allows the paper to avoid larsens and can be used parametric EQ

100% digital (level effect)


The setup is a little laborious, I primarily used as parametric EQ and time (student) is the price that convinced me ...

Furthermore only a screen to display the settings it is difficult to navigate in the final EQ curve. Strongly recommended that a graph next to know where we are ...


I use a really small home studio and I did not notice any distortion sound (since AD ​​conversion required), so on this point I find it much


I use it for quite a while now, I seem to have bought around 2005 and never any trouble or anything. Always satisfied for the moment.

I like being able to have 12 Savable configurations and can be recalled easily using the main dial.

With experience I think I would have taken a graphic EQ to the lack of readability.