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Behringer FCB1010 Midi Foot Controller
Behringer FCB1010 Midi Foot Controller
shavarsh shavarsh
Published on 02/24/05 at 14:32
I use it for a month with a POD2 of Line6.

What I like most, despite what I read, it's easy to program the pedals!

Otherwise it is really trs trs large, do not be afraid to carry around a boat with his guitar!

I have tried any other models before this one and frankly I do not care because it is really trs trs well.

There's really nothing compared qualitprix I repeat not get any better (especially not in line6).

With the exprience I think I would do without this choice hsitation:
* The pedals are plastic but firm enough so enjoyable though a little greenhouses.
* Is the pdalier mtal, it is trs scne stable and no fear of damaging it!

For once we Berhinger ton!