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Published on 08/27/07 at 03:06
Hello, I am looking for a template of type "protactor" for a TD160 with TP16 arm and pen holder TP60.
I printed that of "", respecting the odds AA '(140 mm) and BB' (200 mm), making sure the dimension 215.6 mm between the pivot arm and central plateau.
On after the feature of "Thorens" the overhang should be 14.4 mm, but the "protractor" I have a good scale prints, there is 18 mm. Is this normal? Could someone explain to me my error or confirm my statements. Thank you SCR
I printed that of "", respecting the odds AA '(140 mm) and BB' (200 mm), making sure the dimension 215.6 mm between the pivot arm and central plateau.
On after the feature of "Thorens" the overhang should be 14.4 mm, but the "protractor" I have a good scale prints, there is 18 mm. Is this normal? Could someone explain to me my error or confirm my statements. Thank you SCR