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Yamaha SPX-2000

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  • U-FLYstudioU-FLYstudio

    Yamaha SPX-2000Published on 08/31/04 at 13:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Indeed a unit containing a first rgonomie close SPX 90, there is a notch on the front that the particularity of s'clairer color diffrent following portion of the algorithms we are Aquella , a gain knob of two countrv navigation keys on the cross 4 (type SPX 90), three small buttons ditions and finally a tap for the delay, tremolo, filters etc ... . I / O and XLR jack, midi, SPDIF and AES EBU in 24 / 96 kHz
    USB port for external PC edition via soft SPX manager. (Very cheap and that is nothing at all out more with a year of delays !!!!)
    trs good quality finishing, rack with dimenssions sobering when Yamaha told later by putting in his eight consoles numriques, dj seen the depth and weight…
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    Indeed a unit containing a first rgonomie close SPX 90, there is a notch on the front that the particularity of s'clairer color diffrent following portion of the algorithms we are Aquella , a gain knob of two countrv navigation keys on the cross 4 (type SPX 90), three small buttons ditions and finally a tap for the delay, tremolo, filters etc ... . I / O and XLR jack, midi, SPDIF and AES EBU in 24 / 96 kHz
    USB port for external PC edition via soft SPX manager. (Very cheap and that is nothing at all out more with a year of delays !!!!)
    trs good quality finishing, rack with dimenssions sobering when Yamaha told later by putting in his eight consoles numriques, dj seen the depth and weight of one!! !!!!!


    Trs simple or too simple, there are three banks diffrent:
    - Internal (effects of new brands including, reverb, delay, distortion, dynamic filters, chorus, pitch, etc ...
    - User (your program)
    - Classic (the 22 programs orginel SPX 90)


    Trs own in terms of conversion and signal to noise ratio, it is interesting to rev the engine up in the SPX 90 effects, in terms of new effects, there are enough good things in the flat dynamic filters, as well as tremolo and other auto-pan, but the halls are not DCID the top of a good old PCM70 for example in terms of color, in terms of efficiency the c ' is something else, it's so subjective and debatable as required, I will not venture on this point!
    Overall, I find this a little with a soft limit of that edition and is absolutely nothing worthy of a dimenssions rackde 25 years of age .....


    In short an effect that mle two eras, it is simple and pure architectural trs SPX close to a 90, but rsolument made in 21 century, with its changing color screen , its editor externally via USB, the RESOLUTION in 24/96, the I / O that are finally semblablent concurence price and extremely well located (approx. 1000 Euros). However, an effect that is not worth more .....

    Arnaud Houpert
    Plastok Studio / studio 24 tracks Cognac
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