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Yamaha YS12ME

All user reviews for the Yamaha YS12ME

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  • stratvincstratvinc

    Yamaha YS12MEPublished on 01/21/09 at 10:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use 3 of these speakers for over 10 years repeating and on stage as a stage monitor.
    We did all go into it: singing the grat bass synths and the Roland electronic drum.
    It's true that cash has good power level but it's just: 125W.
    At it's clean but acute lack of presence and bass is a 12 ".
    +'s not practical to transport heavy inputs and outputs in XLR and Jack
    Yamaha is reliable.
    a single failure of a coil tweeter exchange 10mn.
    The - 30 steps ggne inclination to return it puts a wedge to change the inclination
    necessit to approach them very prs to hear on stage
    lack of PCHE low and not from the amp was able to try it on other speakers the day and night.
    dj very expen…
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    I use 3 of these speakers for over 10 years repeating and on stage as a stage monitor.
    We did all go into it: singing the grat bass synths and the Roland electronic drum.
    It's true that cash has good power level but it's just: 125W.
    At it's clean but acute lack of presence and bass is a 12 ".
    +'s not practical to transport heavy inputs and outputs in XLR and Jack
    Yamaha is reliable.
    a single failure of a coil tweeter exchange 10mn.
    The - 30 steps ggne inclination to return it puts a wedge to change the inclination
    necessit to approach them very prs to hear on stage
    lack of PCHE low and not from the amp was able to try it on other speakers the day and night.
    dj very expensive but the era the only affordable for small groups.
    today we CASC products significantly more efficient but the resale of these speakers a fair price is very difficult
    It is a good forum to work repeated for electronic drum or a keyboard.
    I nonetheless rept they are puncture proof of my grade or PLUS
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