[Feature Article] Tools to give cohesion to your mix - A guide to mixing music - Part 98
Today I'll shortlist the plug-ins that I use most frequently when I want to reinforce the sonic cohesion of a mix. As usual, this is by no means an exhaustive list. Far from that. My only goal here i…
[Feature Article] How to use tape machine and mixing co… - A guide to mixing music - Part 97
As promised, this week we'll see how to make the most of tape machine and console-emulating plug-ins.
[Feature Article] The whys of using tape machine and co… - A guide to mixing music - Part 96
This week we'll keep on discussing distortion by addressing plug-ins that emulate legendary tape machines and consoles.
[Feature Article] How to use harmonic distortion in a m… - A guide to mixing music - Part 95
Today you'll see how to put into practice everything you've learned so far about harmonic distortion.
[Feature Article] Getting acquainted with harmonic dist… - A guide to mixing music - Part 94
This week we'll continue exploring harmonic distortion.
[Feature Article] Using Distortion During Mixdown - A guide to mixing music - Part 93
This time around, we'll focus on distortion.
[Feature Article] Using Buses to Make a Mix More Cohesi… - A guide to mixing music - Part 92
In the coming weeks we'll discuss in detail the so-called "glue" effect, in other words how to make the mix more homogeneous using different procedures. Today we'll discuss a simple method to emphasi…
[Feature Article] The Relationship Between Reverb and D… - A guide to mixing music - Part 91
To close the chapter dedicated to the use of delay during mixdown, we'll look into the relationship between reverb and delay.
[Feature Article] Fill It Up with Delay - A guide to mixing music - Part 90
This week we'll look into a somewhat particular use of delay ─ as a way of filling up a mix. You certainly won't be able to use this technique every day, but it can come in pretty handy to "dress up"…
[Feature Article] Using Delay to Broaden Your Horizons - A guide to mixing music - Part 89
After having explored depth with reverb, we will now move into another topic that is just as important during mixdown: width.