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< All Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012] reviews
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Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012]
Fender American Vintage '52 Telecaster [1998-2012]
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pat1961 pat1961
Published on 11/15/06 at 04:05
Tlcaster us in 2001. known and recognized. I AIM it is in blue, red or other colors. will not be buterscotch / blonde. "yellow". the simplicity is appropriate. A model of it before all other models. bass / treble and volume, for rglages. handle some pais it can be done quickly but to beginners, it's cramps. APRS against it by just playing any other guitar. is lgre and it's terribly important.


It's the bomb. Handy wish, versatile and efficient. it is a wonderful tool for those who love the sound crystal clean and slamming. dcoupe the form "tlquot; allows ACCS IDAL top. it takes a long time given.


Blues, rock, country, celtic, I rgale is beautiful is good. on vox, marshall on, on engl and even a good old classic50, it's beautiful. saturation able, in short, it's perfect. everyone gots his May no double coil and when it is L.


A wonder, except the price, the choice of colors and still online. I want a second, I will be forced to take the same ^