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Fender Limited Edition '52 Telecaster Special Japan

Fender Limited Edition '52 Telecaster Special Japan

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Fender

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Fender Limited Edition '52 Telecaster Special JapanPublished on 01/23/14 at 04:23
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
In what country was she made? JAPAN
what kind of micro as well as their configuration? Texas U.S. special original
What type of bridge (Floyd, Wilkinson ...)? Vintage
What are the settings (volume, tone, micro switch ...)? 1 vol 1 tone
What type of race? v


The handle is it enjoyable? very nice, I think v can a c but not at all in the handle of the pickaxe style, very easy to play!
Access to acute (recent freight) is it easy? yes, well it's a tele, so it is probably easier to scrapers access
Ergonomics is it good (in terms of shape, weight ...)? not too heavy, well proportioned
Gets it easy to sound good? 2x ... yes


Are they suitable for your style...…
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In what country was she made? JAPAN
what kind of micro as well as their configuration? Texas U.S. special original
What type of bridge (Floyd, Wilkinson ...)? Vintage
What are the settings (volume, tone, micro switch ...)? 1 vol 1 tone
What type of race? v


The handle is it enjoyable? very nice, I think v can a c but not at all in the handle of the pickaxe style, very easy to play!
Access to acute (recent freight) is it easy? yes, well it's a tele, so it is probably easier to scrapers access
Ergonomics is it good (in terms of shape, weight ...)? not too heavy, well proportioned
Gets it easy to sound good? 2x ... yes


Are they suitable for your style of music? serious!, I play mostly blues, a little jazz and I just get a group of funk, I alternate with guitarist (I take the low and vice versa)
With what (s) amplifier (s) or effect (s) do you play? I have a twin and occasionally on a mesa
What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "bold", ....)? texas special pickups with us, hard not to find a good sound
What are the sounds you prefer, you hate? can be a "crystalline" hair with the knob down and the treble tone


It was quite some time that I was drooling over the U.S. completely unaffordable (1800 euros) version and I've tried .. Southwestern version of the pickups are in my opinion really featureless, EEG 0! Not been very excited about the aspect compared the U.S. version and then I was lucky because it is that very rarely imported into Europe in the TX release (texas special) to try .. is there live I had the thunderbolt ! I bought on Ebay in all I've had for a little over 830 euros and I do not regret!
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Fender
  • Model: Limited Edition '52 Telecaster Special Japan
  • Category: TLC-Shaped Guitars
  • Added in our database on: 06/14/2013

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Other Fender tLC-Shaped Guitars

Other categories in Solid Body Electric Guitars

Other names: limitededition 52 telecasterspecialjapan, limitededition52telecasterspecialjapan, limitededition52 telecasterspecialjapan, limited edition52 telecaster special japan, limited edition 52telecaster special japan