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Nameofsound DVL 88 - "Dual Vary Lead"
Nameofsound DVL 88 - "Dual Vary Lead"
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aymericb aymericb
Published on 10/02/09 at 11:34
What kind of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)?
EL34 tubes + 12 AX7 knowing that this is the config of my head. When ordering from our, you can ask for EL34, 6L6 or KT88.

What is the power delivered?
Also available in 50, 60, 100 and 120W

What are the settings, the effects? ...

No effect against by the presence of a permanent effect loop.
2 channels: Clean + Lead
As for adjustments, a 3-band EQ, gain and channel volume + presence, and sweet for rumble (can change the spectrum of the equalizer)
In conclusion, simple amp, not futility, we will direct to the point!


The configuration is it simple?
Yes, very. Comes with a footswitch, which lets you juggle between the two channels and that's it. The rumble of ustilisation, sweet, and the presence and the sound changes significantly without typing in the extremes of knobs.

Do you get a good sound easy?
No worries. The effects loop is very effective and in which it is connected, the sound is not altered.


Right for your style of music?
Absolutely. For my part I was a fan of MESA BOOGIE correct and sound with its characteristic grain, but there .... attention, it's much less slimy than Mesa in the sense that the sound is clear and leaves no room for error.
It has the ability to switch to a "normal" to "front".
FYI, I play Dream Theater, Satriani, but also the good old pinkfloyd or Dire strait through the The Darkness ... Clearly, and playing on the volume knob on the guitar, you get a lead of hell or a smooth crunch.

With what (s) guitar (s) / low (s) or effect (s) do you play?
I play Ibanez Piezo 1620X and TC ELECTRONIC GMajor

What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "bold ",....)?
Crystalline, non-greasy, very precise, slamming ... really great sound.


How long have you use it?
It's been a week since I have in my possession. Before I played Mesa Boogie MARK IV, Roadster, Triple and Dual Rectifier and I did not want to look elsewhere ... I had an epiphany and a superb OCCAZ drove me to trailler Mesa ... But this is only happiness. I really appreciate the accuracy provided by this amp FRENCH proving that we can do a very good home too, without relocating!
As for value for money, I can not say too much knowing that I shared ... But looking closer, you have an amp custom when ordering on the site NOS and furthermore for the same price as Mesa.
However, for me, the look of the NOS is less glamorous than a Rectifier. The lines are purged of futility. This would be my downfall, and the only one.
With experience, you do again this choice? ...
I was looking primarily a tube amp with a great leader and a true clean channel, equipped with an effects loop. Frankly, I do not regret and I do not do advertising by denigrating other brands, but I think I'm not ready to change (except force majeure).
So if you ask me if I do it again this election ?????
Yes, without hesitation! Go for it