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50% off 3 Arturia synths for iOS

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Arturia iSEM
News Arturia iSEM

Virtual instrument for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad from Arturia

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Arturia closes their summer special sale with a discount off their three iProphet, iMini and iSEM virtual synths for iPad.

Like the rest of the virtual instruments on sale during this summer special promotion, Arturia pays homage to three iconic artists and records.

Indeed, the sound of the instrument modeled for the iProphet was heard on Daft Punk’s Human After All, an album that was released 10 years ago. The iMini honors Michael Jackson’s Thriller launched in 1982, while Supertramp fans will find in the iSEM some of the sounds that were used on Even in the Quietest Moments (1977), and specially Fool’s Overture.

The three virtual synths for iPad are available at half price for a limited time at the AppStore.


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