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Does "impartiality" really mean a thing for speakers... ?
Published on 08/31/16 at 13:573 photosHere’s the first review on these gems :
I work as a producer and mixer.
Some months ago I had a budget to upgrade my main speakers (Focal solo6 Be)...
My choice was aimed at ATC25 or 45, Barefoot MM27 GEN2, Focal SM9 or trio, and PSI A21 or A25 if there was an opportunity...
After testing the ATC 45 and Barefoot MM27 GEN2.
I’ll say (in short) for these models :
-ATC 45 : really warm sound hence presence in the low-mids = pleasant to the ear, but with a tendency to squash the sound at (very) high levels… For the rest, it’s all high-end: all I listened on them sounded bettered (organic, all the opposite compared with the Barefoot)
-Barefoot MM27 GEN2 : an astounding clarity, well-dec…Read moreHere’s the first review on these gems :
I work as a producer and mixer.
Some months ago I had a budget to upgrade my main speakers (Focal solo6 Be)...
My choice was aimed at ATC25 or 45, Barefoot MM27 GEN2, Focal SM9 or trio, and PSI A21 or A25 if there was an opportunity...
After testing the ATC 45 and Barefoot MM27 GEN2.
I’ll say (in short) for these models :
-ATC 45 : really warm sound hence presence in the low-mids = pleasant to the ear, but with a tendency to squash the sound at (very) high levels… For the rest, it’s all high-end: all I listened on them sounded bettered (organic, all the opposite compared with the Barefoot)
-Barefoot MM27 GEN2 : an astounding clarity, well-decomposed stereo image (which can be a bit disturbing) and a very controlled low-end, but… a sub that seems like disconnected from the rest of the instruments. This can be a problem for a musical feeling (as a whole the song’s unity is somehow mistreated). Feeling of a digital listening – all the opposite compared with the ATC.
Just a mention for Focal which Trio 6 really astounded me considering the price difference…
The new class G amps are certainly no strangers to this. Coming from solo 6be (but I also know other models from this manufacturer), I could recognize Focal’s trademark (beryllium tweeter, stereo width, depth…) but with the addition of a clearly audible 3rd voice.
You end up with a very detailed monitoring, above the Twin, with an impressive overall power, with a well-controlled low (really low at 35Hz)-end.
All in all: a must have in its price range!
I was about to opt for the latter (and their excellent value-for-money) when I found an opportunity for PSI A25Ms.
I quickly remembered listening to A17s from the same brand, long ago, and being really impressed by them.
After listening to them at the shop, I end up choosing these A25M...
After a month working with them:
I can say they’re just incredible with accuracy. I had to listen many tracks I already knew by heart to understand how far these speakers would take me.
These are very high end devices that don’t aim at embellishing or polishing the sound, which would just hurt their aim… if a record was badly mixed/mastered, it jumps to the ears… I read a review recently that said they could turn you into someone snobbish and picky as they are particularly merciless. I wouldn’t say it so… Actually, they’re helping me perfect my musical culture when listening for a long period of time… I’ve never heard monitors that counl enter this way into the very character of a record’s production…
What I mean is, I can perceive all the choices and little (or bigger) misses at recording or mixing – all this with a perfect transparency.
Adopting a more distanced position for musical listening, they also deliver especially brilliantly… No need for an outrageous decomposition ala Barefoot, you end up with a musical unit as wished by the producer (and in wide band too: 32Hz to 23 kHz)… Of course, the better the record is mixed, the greater the result… while the more the record will have been driven down by an incompetent producer or the requirements of our consumer society (loudness war and so on), the worst the listening experience. In working conditions, you can imagine how easy it is to project oneself into a real producing session (with the right choices made from the start) or a mixing session…
As an example, I’ve rarely ever managed such a portability to other systems without even making a 2-bus mix (which by the way are nowadays essentially used in mastering), all this with a quickness of decision-making I’d never experienced until then.
So, I could go on developing the technologies used by Mr A.Roux and all the patents linked to these "AOI, ALG, CPR, PSC" speakers (by the way, the AVAA 20 is quite a revolution compared with what it can replace...), the excellent (and very reactive) customer service… among other things.
I’ll complete this review with a little more experience with it. In the meantime, here are 3 pics of them in my studio...See less00FreeSon audio mastering
Published on 05/17/08 at 04:15 (This content has been automatically translated from French)I think this is the new model, the PSI-M A25 ( https://www.psiaudio.com/downloads/psi_A25_M_techdata.pdf ) replaces the A25-3.
- What technical specifications motivated your choice?
I had to monitors REFERENCE CHARACTERISTICS indisputable.
Given my profession, I use them on all styles of music. This can range from subtle acoustic transient, heavy and powerful sounding electronic music.
- For what purpose?
Main monitors in mastering rgy ( http://www.freeson.ch/ )
- What environment cost? ...
Attention particulire t contribution of lacoustique rgy ( http://www.freeson.ch/traveaux.html ) , t nothing left to chance to achieve a sound balance of the most demanding.
A washing, i…Read moreI think this is the new model, the PSI-M A25 ( https://www.psiaudio.com/downloads/psi_A25_M_techdata.pdf ) replaces the A25-3.
- What technical specifications motivated your choice?
I had to monitors REFERENCE CHARACTERISTICS indisputable.
Given my profession, I use them on all styles of music. This can range from subtle acoustic transient, heavy and powerful sounding electronic music.
- For what purpose?
Main monitors in mastering rgy ( http://www.freeson.ch/ )
- What environment cost? ...
Attention particulire t contribution of lacoustique rgy ( http://www.freeson.ch/traveaux.html ) , t nothing left to chance to achieve a sound balance of the most demanding.
A washing, it is fitted dun bass trap of 5m3 effective til 19Hz, the walls are slanted latraux (angle 4) to avoid standing waves, ceiling and walls are related s alternately by absorption, diffraction and dispersion to optimize the sound diffusion and to control the time rverbration.
- The curve frequency drives is it neutral enough?
Something quite special to be cit each monitor is measured and delivered with its individual curve frequency drives.
The range of the new model frquences PSI A25-M t wide.
New rponse + / - 1.5 dB 38Hz - 20kHz / - 6dB 32Hz 23kHz
The balance feels that any listening level (volume).
I used to work volume low enough (must prserver eardrums) but I like to push a little from time to time (this must be fun).
- Stereo image is good?
I work in an environment where the sound is exemplary, it immediately puts in obviousness the rendering of the image of a pair of Stereo Monitors
ISPs are absolutely gorgeous
- The sound is clear and prcis across the spectrum?
Difficult to judge a monitor on the plan in any objectify the influence of the place of your exact Whereas COST influence.
In order to judge the neutrality of the curve of a monitor frquences, environment cost is paramount.
Also monitor the location of equal importance it took me two weeks to find the location in my IDAL rgy
Incredibly on monitors of this stature, the 3 cm dplacement this feels much
APRS rgler this time the location of monitors in the pice, I am delighted.
Of all my customers who spend at the studio PSI A25-M are unanimously
Cost "entertainment":
We feel like our CD redcouvrir of references everything becomes clear cost a good record on these speakers is a rel pleasure, I would say same as it becomes enjoyable
Of course there is the reverse of the mdaille A dynamic mix terribly boring without these monitors and not a terrible drive causes an unbearable weariness
We can not say it's the default monitor is simply that we are frustrated not to find this feeling of plnitude, the coup is s'em ....
These monitors allow express the perfection of the shot seem more mdiocrit mdiocre Here
In the workplace:
Nothing wrong, these speakers bring out all the default of a mix, they leave nothing to spend
Here it is the quality Premire research on studio monitors, they do not forgive.
- The dynamic is it respect? ...
That's one of the most spectacular of these monitors, they possdent an incredible dynamic.
Anecdote, professionals in the field of high Fidler is go to the studio. In costing the ISPs they taient scotch by the dynamics they dgagent. So they believe that I spent taient audio files to 24bit because of APRS them it is not possible to have such a dynamic line of 16bit rat c'tait many masters HAVE COMPLETED in 16bit
Another positive cash in the PSI max even with a mix of trs load low frequencies, you can push the threshold of pain ... these monitors do not distorsionnent.
Ct level and max. m dlivrent a program they no less than 121dB (pair)
- How long have you use it?
6 months intensive use
- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
Nothing wrong, I love all the same color that I confess not to be little unanimity.
I had the opportunity costs of the sub complment A225-M, I do not t in this configuration sduit bass seemed dominant, but good to be said that the positioning monitors and the acoustics of the pice left largely DSIR.
Cot SETTING THE attnuateur there is a calibration for low volume and a attnuateur gnral.
This may limit some stepfather face competition, but this should not be mistaken, they are highly professional instructors made to a working environment COST.
For the rest they are positioned and attnue bases if we want to approach the walls.
- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
J'hsitais long between PSI and A21-M 8250 A Genelec DSP m'intressait much for their acoustic correction technology
When I heard the PSI A25-M n'tait no doubt possible, it is that I had
- How do you report qualitprix?
The investment can be stepfather standard but not the wrong, given the quality of manufacturing professionalism about the results obtained, the ratio price quality of these monitors is incredibly good.
- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
Here it is their primary default
Once we have gote, it is impossible to get everything seems dull and Sparer imprcis cte of these non-standard monitors.
Thank you, Mr. Alain Roux have cre these monitors do not change anything!
Alain ErnstSee less210