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Where would you get these sounds from (YouTube link enclosed)

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Topic Where would you get these sounds from (YouTube link enclosed)
Dear Anyone.

F'starters, it says 'create a new FORUM' at the top of this page? How come it's a new forum and not a new post I'm creating? Anyway.

Hope someone reads this. It's THESE kinda sounds...

Any/all of the backing sounds. Serum can't do them, it's too cold. I've got a bunch of VSTs, mostly freeware (sorree - never know what to buy!) most of them sound too tinny. Right idea, just played through a really bad soundbox. I think that's them, not me, their own sounds seem to have that problem too, but there's usually 2 or 3 presets they have that make them worth keeping. But nothing like these sounds.

I'm not good at programming VSTs. I understand what LFOs and ADSR is/does, but I can't do it right. I need something that comes with a library of these lovely New Agey/Worship Pads (but PLAYABLE, NOT 20 minute unchanging drones!) type sounds, like the backing sounds in the example, NOT dying aliens in space/cats being murdered/tortured monsters on distant worlds people keep sending me (i.e. anything by H.G. Fortune! The guy was a great sound designer - but he watched far too many horror movies!)

What do I need? (32-bit if possible, sorry, old DAW here. But I do know about JBRIDGE.)

Yours hopefully
