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Composing with EWQL, Native Instruments and Spectrasonics sound libraries

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Composing with EWQL, Native Instruments and Spectrasonics sound libraries
Hi all

I feel I owe alot to the members of AudioFanzine for helping me decide what would be the best choice of sound librairies to fit my needs. After all it's an expensive commitment ! So, based on all the precious reviews and advice that I stumbled across these last few months I finally purchased the following products :

- EWQL Complete composer's collection (Symphonic Orchestra, Goliath, RA, Silk, Ministry of Rock, Gypsy, Symphonic Choirs and Voices of Passion)
- Native Instruments Komplete 8
- Spectrasonic Trilian

Well, to put it mildly I'm totally thrilled and have been very happily busy since with all three of them, so I thought that the least I could do today was to send you a link to what I've been up to these past few weeks so that you could hear for yourselves how these wonderful collections of sounds have been inspiring me and put to everyday use :


Your comments are of course extremely welcome. I would be interested in knowing for instance if you consider that some of these sounds have been too heavily used in the US or whatever country you're from (I'm from France by the way). I would also be very pleased to have some feedback on the compositions themselves obviously, in which case please bear in mind that they have all been done in the last three weeks, so work is still in progress !

Thanks again for your all the great posts and reviews that make AudioFanzine such a fantastic source of information.

Happy summer holidays to all.

Cheers !

French-English singer, composer, song-writer and film-scorer based in Paris


Thank you for the kudos! It's good to hear that from time to time :bravo: