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Rane Serato SL 1

Rane Serato SL 1

Audio Interface for DJ from Rane belonging to the Scratch Live series

4 reviews
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Rane Serato SL 1Published on 11/25/13 at 12:44
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
mp3 on computer no disk veus you in veiled.

it is plugged into a djm 500 rca.

just mix some personal use

config pc Intel quad core 2.66 GHz, 5 GB RAM, a 500GB hard drive


Stable driver
Scratch Live 2.5

2 tracks
update 1 once

I am not an expert I did not notice all very responsive


yes easy to branch with doc
English You tube and yuck little help Select activities


Barely two months.
no nothing of all
I love them all.
quality / price opportunity for a full sl1 with ALL is c.
of course I would do is choice after I do not know the other model from serato sl2, sl3, ect ..... …
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mp3 on computer no disk veus you in veiled.

it is plugged into a djm 500 rca.

just mix some personal use

config pc Intel quad core 2.66 GHz, 5 GB RAM, a 500GB hard drive


Stable driver
Scratch Live 2.5

2 tracks
update 1 once

I am not an expert I did not notice all very responsive


yes easy to branch with doc
English You tube and yuck little help Select activities


Barely two months.
no nothing of all
I love them all.
quality / price opportunity for a full sl1 with ALL is c.
of course I would do is choice after I do not know the other model from serato sl2, sl3, ect .....
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Nébula MusicNébula Music

This brilliant

Rane Serato SL 1Published on 05/18/12 at 05:04
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
What characteristics have motivated your choice?
- The opportunity to mix my own sounds without having to burn vinyl records. (It was costing me € 50 for vinyl).
I had the opportunity to test some software every competitor at the SIEL, and it is the serato that attracted me most. Also, seeing all the big names use it, I thought that would be the best ca. And the last point, is easier to use. When I bought it, it was the easiest installation.

What instruments or systems in use and how you connect? ...
- I use it with a TTM 56, 2 Numark TT500, and I return all in a Yamaha aw16, which leave at about M-Audio BX5a.

For what purpose?
- Scratch records, concerts and a few club...…
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What characteristics have motivated your choice?
- The opportunity to mix my own sounds without having to burn vinyl records. (It was costing me € 50 for vinyl).
I had the opportunity to test some software every competitor at the SIEL, and it is the serato that attracted me most. Also, seeing all the big names use it, I thought that would be the best ca. And the last point, is easier to use. When I bought it, it was the easiest installation.

What instruments or systems in use and how you connect? ...
- I use it with a TTM 56, 2 Numark TT500, and I return all in a Yamaha aw16, which leave at about M-Audio BX5a.

For what purpose?
- Scratch records, concerts and a few club nights.

What is your config (Motherboard / CPU / RAM / Disk, ...)?
- Sony Vaio NW21EF: Intel Dual Core T4300 (2.1 GHz), 4GB of ram, windows 7 64bit SP1.


The installation is done it without problem?
- No problems, we install and it works.

The general configuration is easy?
- Yes if you take 5 minutes to browse the documentation or inspect the soft mode information.

Have you encountered any incompatibilities?
- No.

The manual is clear and sufficient?
Yes, especially since the manual built into the software, click on the question mark, you fly over the function which we want to know everything, and an op bubble appears with everything you need to know.


What is the configuration of your computer?
- See above, the Windows Experience Index is 5

The software runs he correctly on this configuration? This hardware + software is stable?
- A marvel. It is very stable.


How long you use it?
- 5 years.

What is so special that you like best?
- Its main function, control of Waves and Mp3 from the vinyls

the least?
- I'm searching, I found nothing.

How would you rate the quality / price?
- Pretty good. Maybe the price may seem expensive, but the price is quickly recovered. Since I buy a lot less than vinyl records, and finished purchases of vinyl records in duplicate, and especially finished burning my sounds on vinyl records. For my part, about two months it paid for itself.

With experience, you do again this choice?
- Yes, without any doubt. It's really a revolution for me, even after years of use.
If you have the budget and you hesitate, stop, go for it.
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dj golo974dj golo974

good product

Rane Serato SL 1Published on 02/23/12 at 12:43
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
implementation and use is simple net

governed djm 600 cdj 1000 mk1


hypére simple installation manual in English ....


t1600@1.66ghz processor 3GB of RAM


I've had two months j tried virtual dj and mix vibes. the most simple is the moin c Sampler slot foot with a cdj is somewhat mediocre in cdj mode (mix well settled with vibes c was more accurate) in vinyl mode has nothing to say …
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implementation and use is simple net

governed djm 600 cdj 1000 mk1


hypére simple installation manual in English ....


t1600@1.66ghz processor 3GB of RAM


I've had two months j tried virtual dj and mix vibes. the most simple is the moin c Sampler slot foot with a cdj is somewhat mediocre in cdj mode (mix well settled with vibes c was more accurate) in vinyl mode has nothing to say
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DJ ZemantDJ Zemant

The cream of the crop

Rane Serato SL 1Published on 10/20/11 at 18:29
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Which instruments and systems (console, preamp, DTD ...) you use it and how connections? ...

For what purpose?
Mix Scratch

What is your config (Motherboard / CPU / RAM / Disk ,...)?
Windows 7, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD


The drivers are stable?


The installation is done it without problems?
Even a few do

The general configuration is easy?
Too easy

Have you encountered any incompatibilities?
Only in the format of a music


How long have you use it?

1 year

Have you tried many other models before buying it?

Mixvibes, Virtual DJ

What is so special that you love the most,...…
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Which instruments and systems (console, preamp, DTD ...) you use it and how connections? ...

For what purpose?
Mix Scratch

What is your config (Motherboard / CPU / RAM / Disk ,...)?
Windows 7, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HDD


The drivers are stable?


The installation is done it without problems?
Even a few do

The general configuration is easy?
Too easy

Have you encountered any incompatibilities?
Only in the format of a music


How long have you use it?

1 year

Have you tried many other models before buying it?

Mixvibes, Virtual DJ

What is so special that you love the most, least?

The best: everything
The least: I have yet to find

How would you rate the quality / price?

Overrated but any quality has a price

With experience, you do again this choice?

Without hesitation
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Rane
  • Model: Serato SL 1
  • Series: Scratch Live
  • Category: Audio Interfaces for DJs
  • Added in our database on: 01/02/2010

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Other names: seratosl 1, seratosl1, serato sl1