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Thread Recording Electric Guitars and Keyboard

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Sujet de la discussion Recording Electric Guitars and Keyboard

I guess an introductory post should be good but I have this idea that no one actually read or reply to an introductory post. :P

Anyway, here's a brief introduction:

The name is Bruno, I'm from Brazil and I'm 18. I studied Music at university but left it due to problems with perception (mine sucks :(). I'm interested in composing Electronic Music (Such as EBM and Industrial) and Metal music (Mainly Black Metal, but also other genres included in 'Metal').
I normally use CoolEdit to mix, but I have a serious problem: an onboard soundcard! :o (I recorded with my computer's mic but the quality sucks hard!)
I do some MIDI files using Guitar Pro 5 (Mainly Metal and "soundtrack" music) and some electronic stuff using FruityLoops. Also, I used to use soundfonts to "enhance" my midi songs. To convert the .mid in .wav I used to use TIMIDITY + a not-that-bad soundfont I found on the internet.
Once I tried GigaStudio, but I realized I didn't have enough "power" to use it.

But anyways, let's be more objective:

I want to buy a soundcard so I can record my songs. I need one to record electric guitar and keyboards (not simultaniously). I don't want it to be state of the art tech or something. Just decent. Don't want it to suck, but unfortunately I have some financial limits :P
Also, I'd like to use GigaStudio, Sonar (or myabe any other good sequencer) and something extra you guys may tell me it's good. :D

So here's the objectives:

-Record Electric Guitar (with effect pedal).
-Record Keyboard (It's an Roland A-90).
-Use GigaStudio.
-Use FruityLoops.
-Use Sonar (or a good alternative sequencer).
-Be able to mix all my songs and produce them.

I know nothing about soundcards. That's why I'm writting :rolleyes:
Need some tips, some models, for example.

Aaaaaaand, some help with the Roland A-90 (it's a MIDI controller) which was my grandparent's and I do not know how to use it (actually, what's its capabilities, etc). Any tutorial on MIDI controllers?

My Desktop computer is:

Athon XP 1700+
1GB DDR RAM 400Mhz
40GB HardDisk
Stupid onboard-and-almost-useless soundcard. :/

Thanks in advance! :D
Disable the sound card in your BIOS. Get an MAudio 2496 Audiophile sound card ($99 US), and a copy of Sonar Home Studio 4 XL. You'll need a bigger hard drive- 7200 RPM and as big as you can afford. Keep your existing hard drive for your OS and applications and use the new one for audio.

That'll get you going for under $350 US.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD

Thanks a lot! I'll check that :)
Oh, by the way...

Will I have problems with other sound applications? Like mp3 players, movies... other audio codecs and stuff like that?

Also... In this pic:

There are 2 RCA Inputs and 2 Outputs. I'm not sure what's the name of the cable we use with guitars but... I'm sure it's not RCA!
There is also this coaxial S/PDIF Input and Output.. is it for the guitar?

Aaaaand... The cables are very short... Can I buy some "extension"? Is there a maximum length?

One more! The ones I plug the keyboard are ONLY the MIDI ones?

Thanks again...and I promise I'll learn more :/

Ok, the guitar cable conector is a P10 conector... Now where do I conect it?