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Thread what are the pair of numbers of ASIO mean?

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Topic what are the pair of numbers of ASIO mean?
I am learning Patch Mix software (software mixer) that came with Emu 1212m.

I can understand that a software mixer's strip can be directed to ASIO so that a

software sequencer that uses ASIO can use the signal that travels through the

mixer strip. But I am not familar with the concept of "assigning" a

mixer strip to a certain ASIO section, such as ASIO 1/2, ASIO 3/4 and so on.

What are those numbers--1/2, 3/4, ~ 11/12. Do they somehow have to do with

ASIO's capability to allow multitrack recording? If I assign s/pdif input to lets say ASIO 13/14, do I have to remember that numbers later when I edit the s/pdif input?

