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Thread recommendations?

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Topic recommendations?
Hello, this is my first post on this forum. I am a senior in High School and I love music. I am currently converting my computer into a "recording studio!" I am very excited to do my own recording and stuff but I would like any recommendations as to what software would suite me best. My PC is custom made, It has windows XP professional, AMD Athlon 2400+ , 512mb of ddr pc2100 ram, 120 GB harddrive ata133 7200rpm, abit nf7-s motherboard soundstrom audio, firewire, USB 2.0 and 5.1 audio out. It's pretty nice, but it'll soon be old technology in a year. :rolleyes:
Let me know what would work best for a person like me to figure out with these specs, thanks tons!
There are many out there. Acid, Protools, CoolEdit, Sonar,ect. I LOVE Sonar. I think it is the most user friendly. The newest version,3, will cost you about 5 Benjamins. I have Sonar 2.2. It really does the job, and your computer would be moe than enough. You can purchase it for about $200. I got mine on Ebay for $100.
Good luck!
There are many out there. Acid, Protools, CoolEdit, Sonar,ect. I LOVE Sonar. I think it is the most user friendly. The newest version,3, will cost you about 5 Benjamins. I have Sonar 2.2. It really does the job, and your computer would be morethanenough. You can purchase it for about $200. I got mine on Ebay for $100.
Good luck!