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Thread Creating a home studio

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Topic Creating a home studio
Hi Guys my name is Massimo and I have been a Hip Hop MC for 8 years. I have finally come to the point where I can no longer go without some sort of product to mark my work. I have decided to invest in a home studio for the sole purpose of creating Hip Hop. Of course being in the game for awhile I have picked up bits and pieces of information about making a home studio, but not enough to know for sure. I figure it's a good Idea to learn from the accomplishments and mistakes of other Musicians and technicians.

There will be no live instrurmentation as most of our beats are in digital format and created by a producer. What we want to do is record vocals and then mix and somewhat master the tracks. My question is what kind of set up would best suit my needs and please be specific as to which items such as mixers, soundcards, etc are best and why? I am not looking for bells and whistles just a clean digital sound. Should I just buy a mic and a mixer and send that to my pc via usb? Or should I use a Mac? Not using midi instruments yet but possibly in the future, just straight Vocals over digital media. Thank you for your time.
Hey Mossimo-

For what you want to do, a USB interface would probably work well. I am assuming that you already have a mic and a mixer since you MC.

Try this-

Get an MAudio Audiophile USB interface ($199 at Musicians Friend)

Use your existing mic and mixer to get vocals to the interface

Get a copy of Acid Pro- this is the most common looping software and there are TONS of loops available for it- $249 at MF


That should be enough to get you started. The USB interface also has midi ports in case you want to add a beat/dj box on down the road.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD